NORMAN Xxxxxxxxx

XXXX Xxxxx Drive
San Jose, CA 95XXX
Phone: (408) XXX-XXXX
CellPhone: (408) XXX-XXXX


Position commensurate with experience and training. Twelve years experience as an electronic/computer technician with managerial and supervisorial experience.


NDA Technologies, Inc. Sunnyvale, California.
Project Manager/Engineering Technician for the design and assembly of Nuclear Fuel Rod Assay Systems. Responsibilities included Research and Development, time management, project resource coordination, quality assurance, purchasing, HR, as well as circuit building and troubleshooting, CAD, in-house PC and LAN maintenance, plus onsite installation at customer site in Richland, Washington.
December 1996 to March 1999. Startup failed due to under-capitalization.

Systems Chemistry, Inc. Santa Clara, California
Installation/Startup Technician. Traveled to Singapore to install and test chemical distribution systems used in IC manufacturing. On returning from the field provided technical support to workers still in the field.
April 1996 to December 1996. Left to join NDA Technologies

National Nuclear Corporation. Sunnyvale, California.
Assemble and test Nuclear Fuel Rod Assay Systems. Position required a wide and varied range of technical skills, CAD, in-house PC and LAN maintenance, customer site installations, supervisorial, etc.
October 1992 to April 1996.

Santa Clara County Library. Part-time librarian and research assistant while continuing education.
August 1989 to January 1992.

Diasonics. Milpitas, California. Ultrasound Systems Technician.
Test and repair of computer controlled ultrasound systems. Left to return to school.
May 1987 to August 1989.


San Jose City College, San Jose, California.
Continuing education.

Technical Training Center, Campbell California. Degree as a Computer Technician
(equivalent to AS degree).
July 1982 to January 1983.

Mount Pleasant High School. San Jose, California.
1978 to 1982.



Available on request.

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