Yes, I'm still here just not much to update.
I did create a MySpace page, so check it out here.
Are you a Vampire? Test yourself
Here's mine.
Dismissed by most other clans as
aimless drifters and annoying tricksters, Clan Ravnos recruits many of its members from gypsy
stock and other wanderers. Disjointed, independant and free, Clan Ravnos' members are
usually out making lives of their own on the road, through whatever tricks and cons they can
manage. Aiding them in this are their handy powers of illusion and deception of the senses,
very convenient against guillible mortals. This lifestyle catches up with the Ravnos more often
than not, however, and many have paid for it in ultimately tragic addictions to their favorite vice.
Which Vampire: The Masquerade clan do you belong in? brought to you by Quizilla
Crap on Mercora
They made some changes over at Mercora, so I'm gone.
Welcome Mercora-ites
If you've cruzed over from Mercora, welcome.
Don't know what Mercora is? Then click it and check it.
Should you decided to try it, look me up.
My Mercora ID is BowelSofSatanas
OK, did a few updates.
Its not perfect, but I added a new GuestBook
I also added a link to my brand new Blog
Yes, I have a Blog... No se porqué
Thanks for stopping by.
Well, I'm back after five years (cinco años) on planet puto.
I just got back so there's mucho updates.
So chill while I put my casa back in order.